Our Real estates team combines the capability, cross-sector insight and global track record of our infrastructure and real estate professionals, so you can act and invest with confidence.

Fresh thinking is essential. Traditional strategies are no longer enough to seize tomorrow’s opportunities. Whether you’re planning, investing, developing, operating or buying and selling assets, delivering real returns requires thinking beyond the conventional and a different approach to decision making.

Our multidisciplinary team provides the expertise and innovative thinking you need, across finance, technology, deal origination, asset management, capital programmes and beyond to maximise returns, wherever you are in the asset lifecycle.

Grounded in our experience of the world’s most iconic infrastructure and real estate assets, we have a global track record of transforming ideas into real opportunity, connecting and convening organisations to solve important problems.


Transforming Capital Project Performance

More than ever, project success comes from addressing complexity and managing collaboration. Outcomes need to be measured in environmental and social as well as economic terms. Our projects and infrastructure capability offers the multi-disciplinary knowledge and experience to help you plan, analyse, structure and execute your large scale programmes. With our wide pool of cross-sector and international talent, we are equipped to deliver the required skillsets during all phases of the capital project cycle.

Real Assets

Our physical environment is being shaped by the unprecedented challenges of a growing, connected society. The need to get our response right has never been greater. Our Real Assets team combines the capability, cross-sector insight and global track record of our infrastructure and real estate professionals, so you can act and invest with confidence.