Understand the long-term gas and LNG market dynamic by speaking with our professionals who have updated insight, news, analysis, data and research into this market. Our Oil and LNG Service helps traders, analysts and key industry players understand how the Oil and LNG landscape is changing, at a time where energy transition developments dominate the industry. We combine robust fundamentals and oil markets data with exclusive primary source reporting to deliver reliable financial insights. Our price forecasts are informed by our experts and Oil Market Analysis Grid, which provides a strong analytical framework for assessing global oil markets through four strategic lenses: physical fundamentals, financial markets, geopolitics and macroeconomics.


Our Strategy

Strategize effectively by utilising our expertise with our holistic outlooks, which utilize oil market, corporate, country risk and energy transition intelligence which tackle your unique business challenges with the help of our experts, who act as an extension of your analytical team

Our Expertise

Make better trading decisions by utilising our professional advice and our near-term news and analysis to respond profitably to an increasingly liquid LNG market

Analytical assessment

Monitor and respond to partner and competitor movements with our analytical assessments, data benchmarks and supply, demand oil and LNG price forecasts. Negotiate better LNG contracts using proprietary term and spot price forecasts supported by a robust methodology