1. Policy Statement

Stallion Holding Ltd’) is committed to protecting the rights and freedoms of data subjects and safely and securely processing their data in accordance with all of our legal obligations.

We hold personal data about our employees, workers, volunteers, contractors, clients, suppliers, and individuals for a variety of business purposes.

This policy sets out how we seek to protect personal data and ensure that our staff understands the rules governing their use of the personal data to which they have access in the course of their work. This policy requires staff to ensure that the Data Protection Officer (DPO) be consulted before any significant new data processing activity is initiated to ensure that relevant compliance steps are addressed.

  1. Scope & Eligibility       

This policy applies to all employees, workers, volunteers, and contractors who must make themselves familiar with this policy and comply with its terms.

This policy supplements our other policies relating to internet and email use. Stallion Holdings Ltd reserves the right to supplement or amend this policy by additional policies and guidelines from time to time. Any new or modified policy will be circulated to staff before being adopted.

Who is responsible for this policy?

Our appointed Data Protection Officer (Roman Vainer) has overall responsibility for the day-to-day implementation of this policy. You should contact the Roman Vainer for further information about this policy if necessary.

  1. Definitions
Business Purposes The purposes for which personal data may be used by us: Personnel, administrative, financial, regulatory, payroll, and business development purposes. Business purposes include the following: Compliance with our legal, regulatory, and corporate governance obligations and good practice Gathering information as part of investigations by regulatory bodies or in connection with legal proceedings or requests Ensuring business policies are adhered to (such as policies covering email and internet use)
Operational reasons, such as recording transactions, training, and quality control, ensuring the confidentiality of commercially sensitive information, security vetting, credit scoring, and checking Investigating complaintsbChecking references, ensuring safe working practices, monitoring, and managing staff access to systems and facilities and staff absences, administration, and assessments Monitoring staff conduct, and disciplinary matters Marketing our business Improving services
Personal Data ‘Personal data’ means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (‘Data Subject’); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural, or social identity of that natural person. Personal data we gather may include individuals' phone numbers, email addresses, educational background, financial and pay details, details of certificates and diplomas, education and skills, marital status, nationality, job title, and CV.
Special Categories of

Personal Data

‘Special Categories of Personal Data include information about an individual's racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or similar beliefs, trade union membership (or non-membership), physical or mental health or condition, criminal offenses, or related proceedings, and genetic and biometric information — any use of special categories of personal data should be strictly controlled in accordance with this policy.
Data Controller ‘Data Controller means the natural or legal person, public authority, agency, or other body which, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data (the ‘what’, ‘how’ and ‘why’); where the purposes and means of such processing are determined by law.
Data Processor ‘Data Processor means a natural or legal person, public authority, agency, or other body which processes personal data on behalf of the Controller. In our Company, the Data Processors will be its Directors and Managers.


‘Processing’ means any operation or set of operations which is performed on personal data or on sets of personal data, whether by automated means, such as collection, recording, organisation, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction.
Supervisory Authority This is the national body responsible for data protection. The supervisory authority for Stallion Holdings Ltd is the Information Commissioners Office.
  1. The Principles

Stallion Holdings Ltd shall comply with the principles of data protection (‘Stallion Holdings Ltd) enumerated in the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We will make every effort possible in everything we do to comply with these principles. The principles are:

First: Lawful, fair, and transparent

Data collection must be fair, for a legal purpose and we must be open and transparent as to how the data will be used.

Second: Limited for its purpose

Data can only be collected for a specific purpose.

Third: Data minimisation

Any data collected must be necessary and not excessive for its purpose.

Fourth: Accurate

The data we hold must be accurate and kept up to date.

Fifth: Retention

We cannot store data longer than necessary.

Sixth: Integrity and confidentiality

The data we hold must be kept safe and secure.

Accountability and transparency

We must ensure accountability and transparency in all our use of personal data. We must show how we comply with each Principle. You are responsible for keeping a written record of how all the data processing activities you are responsible for complying with each of the principles. This must be kept up to date and must be approved by the DPO.

To comply with data protection laws and the accountability and transparency Principle, we must demonstrate compliance. You are responsible for understanding your responsibilities to ensure we meet the following data protection obligations:

  • Fully implement all appropriate technical and organisational measures
  • Maintain up-to-date and relevant documentation on all processing activities
  • Conducting data protection impact assessments
  • Implement measures to ensure privacy by design and default, including:
  • Data minimisation
  • Pseudonymisation
  • Transparency
  • Allowing individuals to monitor processing
  • Creating and improving security and enhanced privacy procedures on an ongoing basis


  1. Our Procedures

Fair and Lawful Processing

Stallion Holdings Ltd must process personal data fairly and lawfully in accordance with individuals’ rights under the First Principle (see section 4 above). This generally means that we should not process personal data unless the individual whose details we are processing has consented to this happening.

If Stallion Holdings Ltd cannot apply a lawful basis (explained below), our processing does not conform to the First Principle and will be unlawful. Data Subjects have the right to have any data unlawfully processed erased.

Controlling vs Processing Data

Stallion Holdings Ltd is classified as both a Data Controller and a Data Processor (see Definitions in section 3 above). We must maintain our appropriate registration with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) to continue lawfully processing data.


As a Data Processor, we must comply with our contractual obligations and act only on the documented instructions of the Data Controller. As a Data processors, we must:

  • Not use a sub-processor without written authorisation of the Data Controller
  • Co-operate fully with ICO or other supervisory authority
  • Ensure the security of the processing
  • Keep accurate records of processing activities
  • Notify the Data Controller of any personal data breaches

If you are in any doubt about how we handle data, contact the DPO for clarification.

Lawful Basis for Processing Data

Stallion Holdings Ltd must establish a lawful basis for processing data. Ensure that any data you are responsible for managing has a written lawful basis approved by the DPO. It is your responsibility to check the lawful basis for any data you are working with and ensure all of your actions comply with the lawful basis. At least one of the following conditions must apply whenever we process personal data:


We hold recent, clear, explicit, and defined consent for the individual’s data to be processed for a specific purpose.


The processing is necessary to fulfil or prepare a contract for the individual.

Legal obligation

We have a legal obligation to process the data (excluding a contract).

Vital interests

Processing the data is necessary to protect a person’s life or in a medical situation.

Public function

Processing necessary to carry out a public function, a task of public interest, or the function has a clear basis in law

Legitimate Interest

The processing is necessary for our legitimate interests. This condition does not apply if there is a good reason to protect the individual’s personal data which overrides the legitimate interest.

Deciding Which Condition to Rely On

If you are assessing the lawful basis, you must first establish that the processing is necessary. This means the processing must be a targeted, appropriate way of achieving the stated purpose. You cannot rely on a lawful basis if you can reasonably achieve the same purpose by some other means. Remember that more than one basis may apply, and you should rely on what will best fit the purpose, not what is easiest. Always consider the following factors and document your answers:

  • What is the purpose for processing the data?
  • Can it reasonably be done differently?
  • Is there a choice as to whether to process the data?
  • Who does the processing benefit?
  • After selecting the lawful basis, is this the same as the lawful basis the data subject would expect?
  • What is the impact of the processing on the individual?
  • Are you in a position of power over them?
  • Are they vulnerable person?
  • Would they be likely to object to the processing?
  • Are you able to stop the processing at any time on request, and have you factored in how to do this?

The Company’s commitment to the First Principle requires us to document this process and show that we have considered which lawful basis best applies to each processing purpose, and fully justify these decisions.

We must also ensure that individuals whose data is being processed by us are informed of the lawful basis for processingtheir data, as well as the intended purpose. This should occur via a Privacy Notice. This applies whether we have collected the data directly from the individual, or from another source. If you are responsible for assessing the lawful basis and implementing the privacy notice for the processing activity, you must have this approved by the DPO.

  1. Special Categories of Personal Data

Previously known as sensitive personal data, this means data about an individual which is more sensitive, so requires more protection. This type of data could create more significant risks to a person’s fundamental rights and freedoms, for example by putting them at risk of unlawful discrimination. The special categories include information about an individual:

  • race
  • ethnic origin
  • politics
  • religion
  • trade union membership
  • genetics
  • biometrics (where used for ID purposes)
  • health
  • sexual orientation

In most cases where we process special categories of personal data, we will require the data subject's explicit consent to do this unless exceptional circumstances apply, or we are required to do this by law (e.g. to comply with legal obligations to ensure health and safety at work). Any such consent will need to clearly identify what the relevant data is, why it is being processed and to whom it will be disclosed. The condition for processing special categories of personal data must comply with the law. If we do not have a lawful basis for processing special categories of data that processing activity must cease.

  1. Responsibilities

7.1 Our responsibilities

  • Analysing and documenting the type of personal data we hold
  • Checking procedures to ensure they cover all the rights of the individual
  • Identify the lawful basis for processing data
  • Ensuring consent procedures are lawful
  • Implementing and reviewing procedures to detect, report and investigate personal data breaches
  • Store data in safe and secure ways
  • Assess the risk that could be posed to individual rights and freedoms should data be compromised

7.2 Your responsibilities

  • Fully understand your data protection obligations
  • Check that any data processing activities you are dealing with comply with our policy and are justified
  • Do not use data in any unlawful way
  • Do not store data incorrectly, be careless with it or otherwise cause us to breach data protection laws and our policies through your actions
  • Comply with this policy at all times
  • Raise any concerns, notify any breaches or errors, and report anything suspicious or contradictory to this